This tool will allow you to access historical permit documents filed with theĀ Department of Transportation and Development.
Click on search results below to view documents.
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Is your file taking too long to load?The speed of your internet connection and the size of the file are two factors that affect downloads. Please be patient as this can take a few minutes on large files.
No document found?If you search for a file and it is not available, please contact 503-742-4740.
DisclaimerThe information available using this tool was derived from applications and permits on file in the Department of Transportation and Development. Not all data has been entered into the digital databases. While we attempt to be as complete and accurate as possible, Clackamas County cannot accept any responsibility for any errors, omissions or accuracy of any information, and therefore, there are no warranties which accompany this product. Users of the information displayed are strongly cautioned to verify all information before making any decisions.